Mercedes-Benz – Developing a brand purpose for the Germany marketing department

Combining brand purpose and branding for internal positioning and a change in culture and work approach
As customers and markets are changing, marketing needs to adapt to stay ahead of the game. Mercedes-Benz Germany marketing was aware of that and collaborated with Rlevance to develop and implement a brand purpose and internal brand positioning to impact organizational culture. We helped them build a stronger position for their work approach and within the organization. The goal: Making the marketing department more relevant within the ever-changing global brand Mercedes Benz, and contributing more strongly through a customer centric approach within a sales-driven organization. Uniting the team behind a guiding north star was our path to unlock the inherent potential.
Developing a brand purpose and a brand identity for Mercedes Benz Marketing Department Germany

Understanding multiple perspectives and the context

Right from the beginning of this project, it was clear that we would only be successfully impacting culture, if we develop results together with the department and not on our own as external consultants. Therefore, we formed a task force consisting of team- and marketing leads. The latter would be close collaborators and involved in all decisions made throughout the process. As the basis of our work, we first needed to unearth all aspects influencing culture, motivation, work modes, self-perception and perception within the organization. Therefore we ran a series of workshops with the task force, one-on-one interviews within the department as well as with leads of adjacent departments and management of the larger business unit. During this understanding phase, we looked deep into individual and collective perceptions, roles, opportunities, and challenges. The holistic mix of methodologies used ranged from strategic management to organizational change, and from psychology to design thinking.

Researching Brand Purpose and Brand Identity

Strategic framework for vision, purpose and internal brand identity

After analyzing and condensing the collected knowledge, we set out to define a first draft of vision and operating model. In more workshops with the task force, we challenged and iterated our resultsbefore we defined the department’s brand purpose, value proposition, and role within the organization. Furthermore, we established guidelines for new, customer-centric work principles that would help the marketing department achieve its external goals.

Implementation through new activities, experiences and a team training

Almost 20 measures were designed to implement the new brand purpose, brand positioning and customer-centric working principles in a 360-degree fashion. These measures were aimed to change culture, operation internally and with business partners, as well as to make visible the new position towards stakeholders within and outside of the department.

We conducted a team training for the department’s employees to reflect on and adapt to the new guiding star and newly developed work principles. In a workshop with all of the departments employees we introduced the new guideline and principles and applied the them within the different teams to prototypical projects.

Based on brand identity and brand purpose Rlevance was able to create a new culture and work principles for the Mercedes-Benz Marketing department that changed their self-perception and allowed them to redefine their relationships with Mercedes-Benz’s other departments and with customers. On top of that, this new, more cohesive culture served as a source of inspiration and motivation for team members to work together towards a greater goal. The result: an agile, motivated department ready to face the marketing challenges of the 21st century.


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